Thursday 8 October 2015

 The Flag of the Republic of Scotland AKA The Greater Scotland, when Scotland becomes independent she shall not take the English Royal family with her, because i don't believe in saddling the people of Scotland with the expense of keeping a Royal Family in a Lavish lifestyle while even our working parents in Scotland and in England have to turn to Foodbanks to feed their children, this is all wrong.

When an Independent Scotland doesn't have a Royal Family to scrounge off our poor we automatically become a Republic.

This means we no longer have a First Minister, who is aptly named as the First Minister after the Primeminister of Great Britain which is just London's way of showing us Scots that all the power of the Union agreement resides in Westminster.

Instead of having a First Minister we will have either a President and Primeminister modelled on the Russian system or a President and Senate based on the American system or a President and another Westminster based in Scotland.

I know which one i prefer because it works best and the President and Primeminister keep each other in line, it's the best system.

Anyway, After Scotland becomes Independent, leaves the greedy elitist Royal Family in London and becomes a Republic, we take England with us under the name of "The Greater Scotland", within The Greater Scotland, the English people keep their English Identity, after all, England was there before London came along and screwed us all over, anyone from the poorest areas get the freedom to come with us in the hope that they do just leaving the Financial parts of London and the Vermin that run it i.e bankers, politicians etc while Edinburgh takes control.

I am currently looking at the Union Agreement between Scotland and England (as i have a copy and can get many more if needed) to find a legal and binding way out of this NON Union as it were,

for two reasons

1. Simply because no one else including the SNP seem to be looking at these very viable possibilities, so much for caring about the people eh?

And so much for making Scotland stronger, this doesn't seem to be on the political Agenda either.

2. Because i can and i really do genuinely care very much about real Independence for Scotland and putting real money into Scottish pockets and food into Scottish childrens mouths once more,

something that hasn't been done in a very long time and i will do this even if it kills me, or MI5 or Scotland Yard get there first lol.

No matter what, i will find the way out for us all because let's face it, someone has to do it

and i don't see anyone stepping forth so far, so you are either with me or against me

The choice is yours,

                                Your's Sincerely,

                                                              Paul C Hinshelwood

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